Computer Science Lectures

<h1> to <h6>: These are heading tags in HTML. <h1> represents the highest level heading, typically used for the main title, while <h6> is the lowest level heading. They help structure content hierarchically and improve accessibility and SEO.

style: An attribute used in HTML elements to apply CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) styles directly to that element. For example, <div style="color: red;"> changes the text color to red.

<p>: The paragraph tag, used to define a block of text. It automatically adds space before and after the paragraph, improving readability.

<!-- Comment -->: This syntax is used to insert comments in HTML code. Comments are not displayed in the browser and are used for code documentation.

<a>: The anchor tag, used to create hyperlinks. It can link to another web page, an email address, or an anchor within the same page.

<img>: The image tag, used to embed images in a webpage. It requires the src attribute to specify the image source.

background-color: A CSS property that sets the background color of an element. For example, background-color: blue; changes the background color to blue.

<ul>: The unordered list tag, used to create a list of items where the order does not matter. Items are typically marked with bullet points.

<table>: The table tag, used to create a table in HTML. It organizes data into rows and columns, making it easier to read.

href: An attribute of the <a> tag that specifies the URL of the page the link goes to. For example, href="".

<ol>: The ordered list tag, used for creating a list of items where the order is significant. Items are typically numbered.

<div>: A division tag, used as a container for other HTML elements. It helps in structuring the webpage and applying styles.

alt: An attribute of the <img> tag that provides alternative text for the image. It is important for accessibility and is displayed if the image fails to load.

border: A CSS property used to specify the border around elements. For example, border: 1px solid black; creates a solid black border.

text-align: A CSS property that sets the horizontal alignment of text within an element. Possible values include left, right, center, and justify.

font-size: A CSS property that specifies the size of the font used in text. For example, font-size: 16px; sets the font size to 16 pixels.

color: A CSS property that sets the color of the text within an element. For example, color: red; changes the text color to red.

<span>: An inline container used to apply styles or JavaScript to a portion of text without breaking the flow of content.

<li>: The list item tag, used within <ul> or <ol> to define individual items in a list.

<tr>: The table row tag, used to define a row of cells in a table, typically containing <td> (table data) or <th> (table header) elements.


<abbr>: The abbreviation tag, used to represent an abbreviation or acronym. It can include a title attribute for the full form.

<bdi>: The bidirectional isolation tag, used to isolate a part of text that may have a different directionality (like mixed languages) from surrounding text.

<bdo>: The bidirectional override tag, which allows you to change the text direction of its contents, overriding the default direction.

<canvas>: A tag used for drawing graphics via scripting (usually JavaScript). It creates a blank rectangular area on the page.

<details>: A tag that creates a disclosure widget from which the user can obtain additional information or controls. It can be opened or closed by the user.

<dialog>: A tag for creating dialog boxes or pop-up windows, which can be opened and closed programmatically.

<mark>: The mark tag, used to highlight text that is of special interest or relevance, typically displayed with a yellow background.

<progress>: A tag that represents the completion progress of a task, such as file uploads, typically displayed as a progress bar.

<summary>: Used in conjunction with <details>, it defines a summary or heading for the details that can be expanded or collapsed.

<time>: A tag that represents a specific time or date, often with a datetime attribute to provide a machine-readable format.

<template>: A tag that holds client-side content that is not rendered when the page loads but can be instantiated later via JavaScript.

<wbr>: The word break opportunity tag, which suggests a line break opportunity within a word, useful for long words in narrow containers.

<base>: A tag that specifies a base URL for all relative URLs in a document. It typically appears in the <head> section.

<link>: A tag used to link to external resources, such as stylesheets, icons, or preconnect hints, generally found in the <head> section.

<meta>: A tag used to provide metadata about the HTML document, such as character set, author, viewport settings, and more.

<noscript>: A tag that defines content to be displayed when scripts are not supported or are disabled in the user’s browser.

<picture>: A tag that provides a way to specify multiple image sources for responsive design, allowing different images to load based on conditions like screen size.

<source>: A tag used within <audio> and <video> elements to specify multiple media resources for playback.

<track>: A tag used to specify text tracks for <video> and <audio> elements, providing captions, subtitles, or descriptions.

<iframe>: An inline frame tag that allows you to embed another HTML document within the current document.

<embed>: A tag used to embed external content, such as multimedia (audio or video) or interactive applications.

<object>: A tag used to embed multimedia, such as images, audio, or video, or other external resources like PDFs.

<param>: A tag used within <object> to define parameters for the object being embedded, such as settings for plugins.

<keygen>: A tag that was used to generate key pairs for secure client-side cryptography. It is now deprecated in HTML5.

<canvas>: Used to create graphics on the fly via JavaScript. It can be used for drawing shapes, text, images, and more.

<script>: A tag used to include JavaScript code or to link to an external JavaScript file.

<script type="module">: A type attribute that specifies that the JavaScript should be treated as a module, allowing the use of import and export.

<meta charset>: A specific <meta> tag that sets the character encoding for the HTML document, essential for correctly displaying characters.

<fieldset>: A tag used to group related elements in a form, often with a <legend> for a caption.

<legend>: A tag used within <fieldset> to provide a title or explanation for the group of related elements.


  1. Definition: AI is the simulation of human intelligence in machines, enabling them to perform tasks that usually require human intelligence.
  2. Types: AI can be narrow (focused on one task) or general (able to learn and do many things).
  3. Applications: AI is used in voice assistants, recommendation systems, and self-driving cars.

Machine Learning (ML)

  1. Definition: ML is a type of AI where machines learn from data instead of being explicitly programmed.
  2. Types: Supervised (with labeled data), unsupervised (without labeled data), and reinforcement learning (learning by trial and error).
  3. Real-World Uses: Spam filters, movie recommendations, and facial recognition.

Narrow AI

  1. Definition: Narrow AI is specialized for one task, like playing chess or recognizing faces.
  2. Focus: It cannot perform tasks outside its training area.
  3. Examples: Siri, Alexa, Google Maps.

Neural Networks

  1. Definition: Neural networks are algorithms inspired by the human brain that learn from data.
  2. Structure: They consist of layers of interconnected nodes (neurons) that process data in steps.
  3. Uses: Image recognition, speech processing, and language translation.


  1. Definition: A perceptron is the simplest type of neural network, used in binary classification tasks.
  2. Function: It takes inputs, applies weights, and uses an activation function to make decisions.
  3. Limitations: It can only solve simple problems, like distinguishing between two categories.

Deep Neural Networks (DNNs)

  1. Definition: DNNs are large neural networks with many layers of nodes, making them powerful for complex tasks.
  2. Capabilities: They can detect patterns in images, sounds, and text.
  3. Training: Requires large datasets and powerful computers.

Deep Learning

  1. Definition: Deep learning is a subset of ML using DNNs to model complex patterns in data.
  2. Applications: Self-driving cars, speech recognition, and medical diagnosis.
  3. Challenges: Requires a lot of data and processing power.

Strong AI

  1. Definition: Strong AI is a theoretical type of AI that can perform any intellectual task that a human can do.
  2. Goal: Create machines with human-like consciousness and reasoning.
  3. Current Status: We have not yet achieved strong AI.

ML Languages

  1. Popular Languages: Python, R, Java, and JavaScript are common languages for ML.
  2. Why Python?: It has many libraries and is easy to learn for beginners.
  3. JavaScript: Useful for ML models on the web, especially with libraries like TensorFlow.js.

ML in JavaScript

  1. In-Browser ML: JavaScript can run ML models directly in the browser using libraries like TensorFlow.js or Brain.js.
  2. Accessibility: It allows ML to be used in websites and web applications without a server.
  3. Limitations: Slower than Python for large-scale ML tasks.

ML Libraries

  1. TensorFlow: A popular ML library by Google for building models in Python and JavaScript.
  2. Scikit-learn: A Python library for simple ML tasks like classification and regression.
  3. PyTorch: An advanced library for deep learning, used for research and production.


  1. Definition: Clustering is an unsupervised learning technique where similar data points are grouped together.
  2. Examples: Grouping customers by buying habits or segmenting images by colors.
  3. Algorithms: K-means and hierarchical clustering are popular methods.


  1. Definition: TensorFlow is a powerful ML framework for building and training models.
  2. Flexibility: It supports everything from small experiments to large production systems.
  3. Languages: It can be used with Python, JavaScript (TensorFlow.js), and others.


  1. Definition: Brain.js is a JavaScript library for neural networks that runs in browsers or Node.js.
  2. Use Cases: Great for small-scale AI applications like pattern recognition or predictions.
  3. Simplicity: Ideal for introducing ML concepts to beginners using JavaScript.

Data Sets

  1. Definition: A data set is a collection of data used to train and test machine learning models.
  2. Types: Can be labeled (for supervised learning) or unlabeled (for unsupervised learning).
  3. Examples: Text, images, or sensor data.

Mean, Median, Mode

  1. Mean: The average value of a dataset.
  2. Median: The middle value when data is arranged in order.
  3. Mode: The most frequent value in the dataset.

Standard Deviation

  1. Definition: A measure of how spread out the data is from the mean.
  2. Low vs High: A low standard deviation means data points are close to the mean, and high means they are spread out.
  3. Use: Helps assess the consistency of a dataset.


  1. Definition: Percentiles divide data into 100 equal parts.
  2. Common Percentiles: The 25th percentile is the first quartile, and the 75th percentile is the third quartile.
  3. Use: Percentiles are useful for comparing data, like test scores in a population.

Decision Tree

  1. Definition: A decision tree is an ML model that makes decisions by splitting data into branches.
  2. Structure: It has nodes (decisions) and leaves (outcomes).
  3. Uses: Decision trees are used in classification and regression problems.


  1. Definition: A large language model trained to understand and generate text based on user input.
  2. Use Cases: Writing, answering questions, and generating content.
  3. Limitations: It cannot understand context like a human and may produce incorrect answers.

Prompt Writing

  1. Definition: Writing clear and specific instructions for an AI like ChatGPT to get useful responses.
  2. Best Practices: Be clear, concise, and provide relevant context.
  3. Examples: “Write an essay about climate change” or “Explain quantum physics simply.”

Role Prompting

  1. Definition: Assigning a role to an AI in a prompt to shape its response.
  2. Examples: “Act as a teacher explaining programming” or “Be a customer service agent helping with a return.”
  3. Benefit: Helps guide the AI to provide more context-specific answers.

AI – 11 things they’ never told you’re not telling you about AI

I-Robot Clips

Machine Learning and AI

Neural Networks


Deep Learning

Narrow vs Strong AI

AI Languages – JS, Pythons, C++, R, Lisp
